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Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2021 2:35 pm
by Bernie
We have been getting some calls from other organizations that use the softball/baseball complexes. They are concerned with softball players sitting in the driving lanes of the parking lots after games. We are asking, AGAIN, please be courteous to other groups…don’t block driving lanes, move out of the way if someone needs to back out of a parking spot, pick up your trash, AND PUT IT IN A GARBAGE CAN.
The same goes for the teams playing at Clem Kelley, and parking in the Elks Lodge or Natural Grocers parking lots. These businesses have allowed our teams to park in their lots for many years. They are now voicing concerns about the same issues previously mentioned. Also, the trash bin behind Natural Grocers belongs to them. It is locked for several safety reasons. DO NOT leave your garbage beside their dumpster. We are working with Parks & Rec to get a garbage can placed by the fence opening near the Spiffy Biffs. Until they put a can there, take your garbage with you, or take it to one of the cans in the Complex parking lot.