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Bismarck Slowpitch Softball Association


All rosters will now need to be entered through RegisterPlay.com. Managers will need to create their team. Managers will then need to send email invites to each of their players. Players will then need to join the team. Once all players have been added to the roster, the manager will need to print the roster and bring it to the April 28th meeting. Managers will also need to print a copy to keep for themself. Below is a link for Register Play help. There is a link for managers players.


2/24/25 – Managers’ Organizational Meeting – Collect sponsor fees, distribute 2024 league trophies

4/7/25 – Manager Meeting – Distribute blank rosters and practice schedules

4/28/25 – Manager Meeting – Collect completed rosters and player fees ($80 per player), distribute league schedules, balls and beverage permits ($30).

7/1/25 – Classification Meeting ***THIS MEETING IS ON A TUESDAY***


Just a reminder that BSSA does not cancel league games based on the weather radar. If it storms and the fields are clearly unplayable, we may cancel games ahead of game time (before 4 pm). After 4 pm, our policy has always been to let things play out, at which point, the umpires will handle each game on a diamond-by-diamond basis.

Teams and players pay good money to play softball, and we want to give them every opportunity to get their money’s worth.